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Denki X Jirou

Exclusive Interview with Hawks of the League of Villains

The enigmatic hero Hawks shares his motivations and thoughts on the future of the League.

Hawks, one of the most popular heroes in the world, recently sat down with us for an exclusive interview. We discussed his motivations for joining the League of Villains, his thoughts on the future of the League, and his hopes for the future of hero society.

Hawks began by telling us that he joined the League of Villains because he believes that the current hero system is broken. "The heroes are too focused on fighting villains and not enough on helping people," he said. "I want to create a world where people can live without fear of villains."

Hawks also spoke about his vision for the future of the League of Villains. "I want to turn the League into a force for good," he said. "I want to use our power to help people and make the world a better place."

When asked about his hopes for the future of hero society, Hawks said that he believes that the heroes need to change their approach. "The heroes need to start working with the villains," he said. "We need to find a way to coexist peacefully."

Hawks is a complex and fascinating character, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have spoken with him. We hope that his vision for the future of hero society will come to pass, and we look forward to seeing what he does next.
